Alderney grants 36th e-Gambling operators license

The Alderney gambling control website shows it has granted another license to operate online betting on the island to Arkin Sports Limited, which controls the Bet Arena online betting and gaming operation. This is the 36th e-gambling license to be granted on the tiny tranquil island.

Last year, the e-Gambling industry made the island more than £1m. It is regulated by Alderney Gambling Commission, which had an operating surplus of £1,325,000 for 2006.

All the money raised by the industry will go back into the island’s general revenue fund.

Meanwhile, their website shows that two more companies have applications pending. EnterGaming Ltd has applied for a full eGambling license, whilst TSE Holdings Ltd, who currently operate from Malta, has applied for a restricted eGambling license.

Many remote gambling operators have started looking at other licensing jurisdictions since the UK announced the unexpectedly high gambling tax rates.

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