Another Congressman gives support to repeal US Unlawful Gambling Ban

A report on website claims that Congressman Ron Paul is giving his support to Congressman Barney Frank in the repeal of the US Unlawful Gambling Act.

It has apparently been confirmed by Congressman Paul’s Legislative Director that Dr. Paul intends to work with House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank to repeal the act.

This will come as welcome news to the Poker Players Alliance, of which there are currently 321,102 members, according to their website. The most prominent member being Senator Alfonse D’Amato, who serves as Chairman of the Board.

Senator D’Amato will be hosting a live web cast on 12th April, in which he will give an update of the federal government issues facing poker today, and what the PPA is doing to fight for player’s rights.

PPA members have the opportunity to send e-mail questions before and during the Web cast which the Senator will answer live. Further details can be found here.

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