Bingo Entertainment Network offers Free Bingo this Memorial Day

Bingo Entertainment Network continually offers online bingo players the best in gaming and prizes the net has to offer, and this Memorial Day they’ll have a promotion going that will knock your socks off!

Play bingo for FREE at Bingo Entertainment Network’s Free Bingo Extravaganza on Memorial Day, Monday May 25th.  The FREE games will play randomly throughout the day. Just watch for the ‘M’emorial Day pattern to play and be prepared to win really BIG money, all for FREE.

The total prize given away will equal the number of players in the game! This is a truly amazing promotion as there’s no limit to how high it could go!  Just think, 500 players would equal a $500 prize, and all for FREE!!

Visit one of Bingo Entertainment Network’s sites this Memorial Day. This is one event you won’t want to miss and be sure to spread the word! You’ll want everyone you know to be there with you as the more who play, the more they’ll pay!!  

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