Bingo Gala players are very keen on Keno!
I made a call to one of those lovely guys over at Bingo Entertainment Ltd today. Harry, who could be seen last November meeting many of the Bingo Entertainment players who won a place on the Bingo Cruise, was sounding very excited, and told me about the latest craze on the bingo sites – KENO.
He said all the Bingo Entertainment sites are buzzing with excitement, and not only for the bingo games, but they have an increasing band of players who regularly play games such as Keno, Slots and Pull tabs. All of these games have progressive jackpots just like online bingo. This week alone has seen three big winners at Bingo Gala.
On 15th January the player known as redfredred, from Madison, Wisconsin won a fantastic $2,500.00 playing Keno. Then on 16th January, the player known as talisman, from London, Ontario won $1,250.00 on Keno. And then on 19th January, the player known as girlygirl from Richmond Virginia won $1,620.00 playing Gala 5 reel slots. No wonder there is so much excitement in the air!
Harry also told me that there are only 2 weeks remaining for the third and final qualifying round to win a seat at the Bingo World Championship 2007. This takes place on Wednesday 7th March, 2007 at 8pm EST. And there is massive $10,000 cash up for grabs! Bingo Entertainment Ltd already has 5 players from each of their sites who have qualified in each of rounds one and two, and round three finishes on 31st January.
Harry tells me that there is still time to qualify on any of the sites. The 5 winners from each site will win the third qualifier by playing the most bingo games. Enough said Harry, I’m off to play bingo, and of course I’m going to have a go on Keno at the same time! To find all the sites operated by Bingo Entertainment Ltd, go to