Latest Big Jackpot Winner at Glamour Bingo
Shortly after winning a stunning $3,220.82 on a progressive bingo jackpot at Glamour Bingo we caught up with the lucky player, nicknamed “MaryT” for a quick chat.
This was her first jackpot win so she started by saying: “I did not realize it was a Jackpot win at first, I thought it was just a regular win. I was so excited I woke up my hubby at 2:30am! I have gotten 2 other people interested and playing at Glamour and they have both won JP’s.”
As far as her winnings she was happy to say: “My husband has been out of work since February and had back surgery in April, so he will be out of work for a while yet. This money will go to pay bills. It couldn’t have happened at a better time for me to win this JP!”
What keeps “MaryT” coming back to Glamour Bingo? She was quick to point out that: “Glamour Bingo is the best online bingo site there is. They have the best CM’s. Glamour is my home; I have always loved playing here!”