Online credit card use – The serious and the humorous
In response to a call by Scottish National Party MP Mike Weir for credit card companies to put a limit on the amount online players can spend on internet gambling, APACS, the UK trade association for payments, said that there were a number of significant problems with the idea, commenting that the solution would be to treat the problem at the source. Mr. Weir thinks that the limit should be set at £1,000 per week, and should include just one credit card per person.
APACS do take the issue of credit card use very seriously, and have published advice and guidelines on their website for credit card users. But they also have a humorous outlook, having just published a new online guide ‘Payment Horoscopes’ which provides a light-hearted look at the payment habits of UK consumers by star sign. APACS claim the guide is based on research among 2,000 UK consumers, and shows interesting trends that distinguish the payment behavior of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
Sandra Quinn, director of communications at APACS, says:
“The guide takes a humorous astrological look at our payment habits. However there is a serious point to be made. We all need to be conscious of our how we are managing our finances – it pays to make sure you are doing it well and there is no better time than at the start of a new year to review things.
We should all be: checking our statements promptly and thoroughly; shredding our financial documents when we throw them away; and having different PIN’s for each of our plastic cards.”
Below are the published results: –
Aries – financially consistent
Ariens are reasonably consistent when it comes to financial management. They do let themselves down when it comes to checking their bank and credit card statements, and should try to check them more thoroughly to spot anything unusual.
Taurus – financially thorough
Taureans are fairly meticulous in their financial management, demonstrating solid and consistent organisational skills. However, they are let down by their shredding laziness.
Gemini – least financially organised star sign
Gemini’s fall below the mark when it comes to financial management, not quite hitting the spot when it comes to organising their bank and credit card statements.
Cancer – chequebook-loving
Cancerians adore their chequebooks, rejecting cash for this form of payment. They demonstrate a strong tendency to check their bank or credit card statements regularly, but are not so good at paying their monthly bills in full.
Leo – poor PIN managers
Leos are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to managing the PIN’s for their plastic cards. They should try to use different numbers for their cards.
Virgo – online-lovers
Virgos love to inspect their statements at least once a month, particularly online. They have a hoarding preference and shy away from shredding their financial documents.
Libra – financially slowest star sign
Librans demonstrate a distinct lack of interest and attention to detail when it comes to their financial management. They are slow to check their statements, and when they do get round to it, they are less likely to check the detail.
Scorpio – debit card-lovers
Scorpios are the sign of the debit card, displaying a strong preference for this form of payment. They are financially savvy and diligent and are particularly inventive with their cards!
Sagittarius – responsible yet financially disorganised
Sagittarians are not the most financially organised star sign, yet they are responsible when it comes to paying off their credit card bills and checking their statements.
Capricorn – financially astute
Financially responsible in most areas, Capricorns are the most financially astute when it comes to managing their finances. However, they let themselves down when it comes to paying their credit card bills.
Aquarius – keen cash and credit card users
Aquarians are keen cash and credit card users but need to improve the management of their statements.
Pisces – financially responsible
Pisceans are financially responsible, with the majority paying off their monthly credit card bill in full and demonstrating particular diligence when it comes to the management of their statements.
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