Tombola Bingo has another TV advert banned

Tombola Online BingoThe ASA has had another of  Tombola’s TV bingo adverts banned on the grounds that it presents a negative racial stereotype.

This follows a previous banning for the online bingo operator of a commercial which featured a fairground as it was deemed to appeal to youngsters and that it could create problems with underage gambling.

The latest commercial to be banned shows a white man dressed in a tuxedo and a black man dressed in casual clothing sitting on a beach.  The black man plays the ukulele and repeating everything the white man is saying.

The ASA stated: ”We considered that the ad could be interpreted as humiliating, stigmatising or undermining the standing of the black character and was therefore likely to cause serious offence.” It added that the online bingo commercial portrayed the black man as “less intelligent”.

Tombola Bingo has stated that it will not be using the commercial again.

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